
Senior High School Life

southeast Asian institute


Being a Senior High School as they said is the happiest stage for all students. This is where we uncover who we really are based on our preferences and we slowly find meaning in life.We discover things and we enjoy the magic of learning from people around us. We love the feeling of trying new things because we’re curious about them. More often than not, we don’t care about what other people would say, as long as we’re happy.

So now that you are given additional two (2) years to explore new opportunities and possibilities, learn new things, and even discover new hobbies, may you find joy in every moment of it. Don’t let fear interfere. Live it. Feel it. And I am sure, you’ll be amazed that you’re done with senior high school.

Now that you’re on your way towards senior high school, and probably most of you would be leaving the comforts of your local Senior high school, you must make lots of friends without forgetting the old ones, of course. Life is more meaningful, lighter, and happier with lots of friends with whom you can be who you really are every time. This will keep you from thinking negatively about the two (2) years of senior high school.

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